CVET training

CVET Trainings

CVET Basics: Now available online!

As new members to CVET, all responders are required to take the CVET Basics course which will provide an overview of CVET operations and responder expectations for you as a volunteer. This will be the first introduction to the team and will review the contents of the CVET Standard Operating Guidelines. Completion of this course will allow you the opportunity to take more advanced operational courses as they are developed. Once you have finished this course it does not need to be repeated!

The webinar session of this course was a huge success! Anyone that was not able to attend can gain access to the course through their CVET Better Impact profile. Watching the webinar and completion of the follow-up quiz will count for credit of completion. If you have any questions, or need assistance in accessing the course, please email us!

Additional Trainings TBD

Stay tuned as CVET develops specialized veterinary training for field response, search and rescue support, shelter in place assessment, technical animal rescue, and others!